[Game lore] Guns in piles

You thought guns were hard to find? Think again. Theyre everywhere. But are they any good? Good luck finding one that wont fall apart if you fire it once or twice. Gun repair skills are almost as valuable as the bullets themselves. Bullets are used as currency for a reason. No paper money or coins or none of that dumb stuff. This is real life - we dont trade with worthless pieces of paper and metal. Soldiers need food and supplies, traders need bullets for self defence. Bullets get traded in for gear. Its an easy choice to use something that has actual value. Each bullet type has some value, no matter the condition or size. 

Guns are worthless unless its in really good shape, nobody wants your guns that fall apart if someone farts on it. I carry a couple of packs of 9mm fmj bullets, the most popular and easily found bullet that everyone needs too so anyone trades with it but i mostly only find pieces of guns that are actually reusable, yesterday i found a couple of good triggers for different handguns, today i found a barrel for ak rifles in good condition. Hopefully i can find the rest of the pieces for a good handgun and a good ak rifle tomorrow, otherwise going to meet the Verbannte at the west border isnt worth it, they might not take me seriously or not even listen to me if i dont have some sort of influence, nobody listens to rookies and nobody helps them. Its a fight for survival, kill or be killed.

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