Additional story for the game

The year is 1992, it is late summer. You are from east Germany, about a hundred kilometers to the south of Berlin in a (fictional) town called Nebelheim. It has a big reactor in the center of the town and it is surrounded by marshes to the north and east and a large forest in the south and flatlands to the west.

The town is dotted with soviet era apartments, shops and other buildings, it is home to you because you grew up here in the 70s and 80s but now you don't remember the town like it used to be because of the explosion that happened two years ago. Some say it was a terrorist attack, some say anti-nuclear protesters blew it up, some say it was intentional, who knows. It doesn't matter because the life after the explosion is not the same. So much changed, are you still even the same person?

You hid in a bunker after the explosion happened, you escaped with minor radiation burns. You were lucky, many weren't and died from their burns, or worse.. turned into some kind of undead that survive off of radiation and by eating others who didn't make it to the bunkers in time. Rumors are spreading of even worse monsters lurking in the dark at night and factions controlling of different sections of the town and the underground railroand and the surrounding areas but you don't believe them.

The military has also been surrounding the outer areas for atleast a couple of kilometers since the explosion happened so there is no way for you to get out of Nebelheim. One of the backup generators has been malfunctioning and the bunker needs a new air filter and food to survive the coming winter, today is the day you step out to look for help and supplies, will you survive until tomorrows sunrise?

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